Encouragement is like the wind beneath our wings. Without it, we cannot get our dreams off the ground, much less soar towards success. No achievement has ever been attained without the support and encouragement of others and my book, my dream, is no exception.
My supporters lifted me up so that I could achieve my goals. Seven Doors In would never have become a reality without the help and encouragement of so many friends, families, students and teachers. And most supportive of all, was my family. I am filled with gratitude for their love and patience.
I also am so grateful for those who read my book in advance and gave it the support it needed to fly. Thank you to Keith David for your kind words and endorsement. Mr. David was once asked about his experience at Juilliard where he trained and studied his craft as an Actor, and his response was "I’m deeply grateful for my time there."He pours his gratitude and appreciation into every role that he undertakes. I too am so very grateful for the experiences I have had not just as a teacher in a maximum security prison, but as a teacher who's able to change lives by just believing in someone's potential.
Thank you also to the writers and educators who read my book and took the time to write words of encouragement including the prolific author Bonnie Hearn Hill and mentor and life coach Larry Li. Many thanks also to Dr. Wendy Wesley who has an amazing track record of not only helping students, but arming teachers with the skills they need to connect with them. Dr. Hans Andrews has offered me personal support; helping further my own education about justice reform, sharing my work and even interviewing me so that I could share my own experiences. Professor Carlos has also been another supporter and we have many great talks about the in-roads that education can provide. Without the community of writers, educators, actors and playwrights, no book would ever be written and for these people I am forever grateful.
Most of all, I am grateful to each and every one of my students throughout the years. Each one taught me something and made me a better teacher; no students more so than those men in the maximum security prison, who I met behind the 7th door. They gave me a new outlook and appreciation for life that I will continue to share with each one of my students in the future.
“Be brave enough to make a change” ~ Beth